The Talis Enterprise GmbH - - is the founding company of the first and most important suborbital Space Flight Program in Europe and joins a partnership with several renowned institutes and leading companies, all in the field of advanced technology and astronautics. Their knowledge and experience, gained through countless international space missions and research in this field over decades, is far above average in Europe and sufficient to enable them to successfully realize a suborbital space flight program in Malaysia.
Talis Enterprise is now working in a consortium of 5 prominent and leading European technology companies to develop two rocket-powered aircrafts. The first aircraft “Black Sky” will be a manned rocket plane for experimental edge of space flights and it is the prototype of the final suborbital space plane “Enterprise” that will be able to carry more heavy scientific payload and astronauts to an altitude of 130 km.
A smaller, less complicated and lower cost version of the Enterprise, called Black Sky is also being developed by Talis Enterprise. This rocketplane will be able to carry a pilot, a passenger and a significant quantity of experimental payload to 45km from sea level and the pilot, passenger and payload will experience significant zero-gravity. Black Sky will be a very effective zero-gravity and "edge-of-space" research platform.
Illustration of Black Sky and Enterprise ascending to
space side by side.
The propulsion for both Enterprise suborbital spaceplane and Black Sky rocketplane are designed and being developed by Swiss Propulsion Laboratory (SPL).
After the test program, the two-seated rocket plane “Black Sky” will be used for scientific edge of space zero g flights. The launch facilities and scientific ground base would be located at Spaceport Malaysia. In March 2010 Talis Enterprise already talked with Y.B. Datuk Seri Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili and his staff about a full technology transfer between the Talis Enterprise scientific project team and the Malaysian universities, the MOSTI and involved Malaysian companies. With this concept Malaysia would become one of the leading key player in the international scientific space business.
(From left to right) Shamsul Kamar Abu Samah (Senior Manager Intelligence & Research), Maria Bernard Sinsoi (Senior Private Secretary to the Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation Datuk Seri Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili), Dr. Mustafa Din Subari (General Director of National Space Agency ANGKASA), Dipl.- Ing. Frank Marco Günzel (Managing director of Talis Enterprise GmbH), Datuk Seri Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili (Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation), Adrian Mettauer (Swiss Propulsion Laboratory SPL), Dr. Ahmad Sabirin Arshad (Chief Executive Officer Astronautic Technology Sdn. Bhd. ATSB)
Together with the partners Swiss Propulsion Laboratory SPL, the University of Zurich with a leading zero-G scientist Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Ullrich and other partners like VEGA GmbH, one of the largest and most established consultant and technology companies in the field of astronautics in Europe with more than 30 years of spacecraft operations experience throughout almost all European Space Agency (ESA) missions, Talis Enterprise and Spaceport Malaysia are able to guarantee the success of the suborbital scientific space flight program in Malaysia.
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