The Space Biotechnology activities under the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland includes zero gravity researches under DLR (German Aerospace Center) and ESA (European Space Agency). The institute has been conducting the research since 2006 and the leader of the activity, Prof. Oliver Ullrich who had himself flown many times on zero gravity flights is advising on zero gravity activities related to the operation of Spaceport Malaysia. Currently UZH is a major European university conducting zero gravity research under DLR ( and ESA (

Acad. Prof. Hon.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Oliver Ullrich
University of Zurich
Institute of Anatomy 

Academician, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)
Head of Space Medicine / Space Life Sciences, German Society of Aerospace Medicine
Elected Member of German Space Research Council
Principal Investigator of space experiments on board of the International Space Station ISS and of the SHENZHOU-8 space ship
Principal Investigator of 12 projects on board of 10 Parabolic Flight Campaigns by DLR and ESA
Principal Investigator of the ARES project: Experimental parabolic flights using jet aircrafts by University of Zurich and Swiss Air Force
Principial Investigator for Sounding Rocket Missions (TEXUS-49, MASER-12, TEXUS-50/51)
Initiator, Coordinator and Chairman of the 2nd Sino-German Symposium on Space Life Sciences in Beijing 2008
Scientific Advisor of DLR for the IMMUNOLAB project for the ISS - ESA Topical Team Member "Large Radius Human Centrifuge"
Member of Helmholtz Space Life Research School "Space Life"
Novespace Parabolic Flight Medal in Bronze
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